We all know the rule when it comes to playerism, you can't hate the player hate the game. Sadly opposition to Faust's new business venture is undeniably thick and has hit the internet by storm! First we saw some of the brief comments made by Love and Hip Hop cast members such as: her friend Ariane Davis, her child's father Stevie J., his now home-wrecking wife Joseline Hernandez, and finally from R & B singer K. Michelle. I've observed several biased comments posted all over the internet, especially on the reality star's own Instagram page.
Honestly, someone as open-minded as I am could conclude that maybe the reason why Mimi is receiving such a negative backlash from everyone is simply due to jealously. According to
Mstarz.com, Faust has signed a $5,000,000 deal with Vivid Entertainment after patiently holding off on the company's first offer of a mere $100,000. That is only the beginning though because the couple still stands to gain an additional 50% worth of the profits once a million copies are sold, putting them in the neighborhood of around $10,000,000, while making her the highest paid reality star in Love and Hip Hop history! See why they hate? I'm almost certain that Miss K. Michelle, one of Faust's biggest haters, hasn't ever seen a check that big where she doesn't have to pay it back against her record sales. On the Love and Hip Hop Atlanta trailer, I saw how Joseline Hernandez tried to put her two cents in, mocking Mimi for being 45 years old doing porn, but it seems that Faust will still be the one laughing all the way to the bank. I guess Joseline felt it was okay when she was parading around the internet tweeting and leaking nude photos of herself all over the net in order to get more exposure and to secure her placement on the next season of the show. One things for certain, Hernandez didn't sign a $5,000,000 deal on any front; instead she has been paraded around America, cross country style, doing club appearances like Stevie J's bottom bitch not his wife.

I've seen several Instagram users and bloggers have the nerve to question such a grown woman for her actions and I personally find it uphauling and downright ignorant. Some of these people have the nerve to question this woman's morality and parenting skills when they know their shit stinks too. I'm wondering did the black community, especially those born out of wedlock, condemn their own parents as such or yourself for committing the adultery or fornication that I know you have; just call me psychic. One of my favorite idioms of all time is "people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, let he that is without sin cast the first stone." These are words that people really need to live by. As far as Mimi being a bad role model for her daughter, I totally disagree because a REAL mother will do whatever it takes to ensure that her child has whatever it needs, especially when the no good father has bailed out and wifed some random whore.

If I were Mimi, I wouldn't be worried about the threats that she has received from Stevie as far as him getting a lawyer to gain custody of their daughter. First and foremost, he is married to a former prostitute, whose actually been arrested for prostitution, totally eliminating any "hearsay." Back in March,
Straightfromthea.com and
Rhymeswithsnitch.com displayed a picture that no one other that Joseline Hernandez mistakenly posted to her Instagram page which showed Stevie with cocaine residue generously around his nostrils and mouth. So Mimi if I were you I wouldn't even entertain such shenanigans coming from his ass or anyone else for that matter. This situation should be the prime example of letting your haters be your motivators because contrary to public opinion if most of them could get up the nerve and confidence to fuck on film; then demand the type of money that you signed up for then they would. The devil is a lie if they say otherwise because money isn't the way that it used to be. With that being said, I wish you the blessing of prosperity and many more to come girl. By the way, you look damn good for your age!